Friday, November 6, 2009

Providing Meaningful Feedback on Assignments

What kinds of things do you do to provide meaningful feedback to students on their assignments?


  1. I try to provide meaningful feedback by personalizing the message. Personalizing the message entails using the students name and stating facts that I know about the student. Such as, Molly, how was the soccer game last weekend?

    I also try to explain in detail any and all information that I am trying to convey. Many times my feedback takes place in emails so I the students have the time to sit back and read them and not just hurry through the "I got this grade" and move onto the next assignment. Students have told me that they read the email more than the grade response unless the grade is not what they expected to receive.

  2. I agree that it is too easy for the students to just check the grade and not even look to see if the teacher left a comment. For that reason, unless the student has specifically left me a question in the comment section, if they received less than a B on the assignmen, or if it is an essay, I rarely leave a comment in the box when grading.

    One of the best things I do is grade essays with my tablet. This allows me to write directly on their paper with a special pen. Then I can save it and load it as an attachment to the comments, and when they open it, my hand-written comments are on their paper, just like it would be if we were in a traditional school. The only drawback to this is that it takes a lot more time to do this, so I don't do it that often. Usually only if I think the student would really benefit and appreciate it.

  3. When grading a major writing assignment, I will download their essay to my computer and make electronic edits. I then upload the document as an attachment and return it to students. I always tell students to check my attachment that includes my comments.

    My comments in the box are usually general but my specific corrections are in the attachment so I'm always sure to remind them to look at it. I look at their final draft major writing assignment to see if they incorporated any suggestions into their final draft.

  4. Do you like using the tablet? I am seriously looking in to those. Every time I go to CUE or any conference really I see a whole bunch of people using them.

  5. The kids always tell me they like the personalization--makes them feel like we are real people on the other side of the machine. I think that is something we need to work on in general as a school.

    Joyce and I were talking about a month ago or so about calling the students and making that personal connection. It seems to be working pretty well in her classes. What do you all think?

  6. I have to admit I don't always make comments. I usually do on major writing assignments. Making track changes is a good idea though. I'm starting to screencast my track changes so the kids will hear what I am thinking as I grade. They seem to like it a lot so far.

    Have you all tried that yet?
